
Read about what people have been saying about my therapeutic services:

Annette brought in her five year old, grand daughter  for a craniosacral session.   Her grand daughter was born with ‘arthrogryposis’ (amc),  and was experiencing a lot of difficulty in walking. Prior, to seeing me,  she had corrective surgeries,  but 4 months after her latest surgery, she was still needing to use her leg braces and a walker.   At the end of her first session with me, this brave little girl walked out without her walker, and orthotic braces.  Later that same evening, her grand mother informed me: “This little one, felt so good after her first craniosacral session, that she tried to do a cart wheel for the first time. That’s miraculous!

A couple, new in town came in with migraine headaches.    After only one craniosacral therapy, their pain levels of 9, was dramatically reduced down to 1 on the pain scale. They were both really thankful, to find me.   Now they see me ever 3 to 4 months, for maintenance. (Which is all paid for by their employer’s medical saving’s accounts . (Ask me for a massage receipt, so you can also file your own claim). 

Alex worked was a concert roadie, for Garth Brooks. (“Alex” is not his actual name). While he was helping to set up the suspended stage, that hung from the stadium ceiling,  a cable broke, causing him to fall about 25 feet to the artificial turf.  After months of traditional medical and physical therapy treatments, Alex came in, walking with a cane, complaining of knee and ankle problems.  Alex’s first medical massage and craniosacral session included myofascial unwinding techniques, muscle balancing, neuromuscular reeducation, and therapeutic positioning, to ease and decompress  lumbar, hips, knees and ankles joints. By manipulating only the body’s soft tissue, and a couple sessions later, scheduled a week apart, Alex was able to walk without the use of his cane, and was feeling confident that he could now returned to favorite sport, basketball.